There will be no class on Hari Raya Puasa, 17th July 2015.
After fulfilling their one-month of fasting, the Muslims are joyful to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa. On the morning of the festival, the Muslims wear their new clothes and go to the mosque to pray. They offer their thanks to God and after that they would ask for forgiveness from their elders. They feel that asking forgiveness from their elders is an important ritual. On the day, they also visit their relatives and friends to celebrate the happy occasion. If you visit Muslims’ homes on Hari Raya Puasa you can expect to taste a wide variety of delicious spicy dishes. Some favorite dishes that can be found in Muslims homes on this special occasion are ketupat, lontong, nasi padang and beef rendang. The Muslims also have the habit of giving packets of money to kids when they go visiting. The packets are usually be in green color and children often look forward to getting these money tokens on Hari Raya Puasa.