Many aikido techniques have their origin in weapons handling and thus are related with Japanese weapon arts like Kendo. In Mumei Shudan dojo we continue strong emphasis on weapon practice, as it builds high awareness in practice. Using a weapon as an extension of the hand, it generates higher impact speed and creates different danger and distance perception. On the other side, perfection of cuts and draws is a very meditational and focused practice. Despite danger, mind should stay clear and movements should be very precise.
As a result of weapons training, students polish their hands and body technique – with more precise movement, coordination and martial awareness.
Iaido classes are focused on the perfection of sword drawing and cutting. Great together with Aikido or as a separate pursuit to this beautiful Japanese Art.
We are practicing Muso Shinden-Ryu, one of the types of Iaido practice (iaijutsu) and includes few katas that require progressive skills building.
You can start practicing Iaido with a wooden sword bokken before purchasing a katana/iaito. We recommend to use Japanese dull steel blades for practice. We can recommend reliable suppliers and help you to get your first sword.
Iaido practice usually doesn’t include partners, unless we learn to understand details of sword positioning, in which case we also practice with wooden sword bokken.

Aikido jo practice or Jodori is using a wooden staff 4.2 feet / 127cm long and about one inch in diameter. Used either with a spear or without, it has round shape and no flat edges. Jo allows to use both ends and any possible rotation angles, thus making it more flexible in directions than bokken. Jo is practiced on both sides, right and left hand without any priority to the personal preferences. Jo is practiced both in kata, strikes and partner techniques. Also Aikido uses jo for hand-weapon practice called Aiki-Jo.
The techniques for jō were reportedly invented by Musō Gonnosuke Katsuyoshi (夢想 權之助 勝吉, fl. c.1605, date of death unknown) after he was defeated by the famous swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi (宮本 武蔵, 1584–1645). They fought each other in a duel sometime between 1608 and 1611, according to Kenji Tokitsu. The record mentioning this duel, the Nitenki, recounts:
When Musashi was in Edo, he met an adept named Musō Gonnosuke, who asked to fight him. Gonnosuke used a wooden sword. Musashi was in the process of making a small Bo; he picked up a piece of firewood. Gonnosuke attacked him without even bowing, but he received a blow from Musashi that made him fall down. He was impressed and left.

Kenjutsu is a practice with wooden sword or bokken that can compliment Aikido or used as a separate art. While precision of swords cuts can be practiced in kata or suburi, partner work fascinating dynamic. Kenjutsu is adding greater distance and sense of danger to aikido practice, but keeps same principle of non-conflict connection. This connection allows to block effectively attacks of opponent and avoid risk of damaging your own sword. It creates excellent conditions to practice timing and speed, preempting movements of the opponent and gaining minimal but vital advantage.
Aikido practice with tanto or knife or simply called tanto-dori is usually using oak weapons for hand-weapon techniques and take aways. It’s important to be able to coordinate your aikido movements and avoid being “cut” during the execution. Tantodori brings understanding of the distance, awareness and validates effectiveness of aikido techniques. Stubbing and slicing methods with knife are interesting both for attacker (uke) and defender (tori) sides.